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A reference for Used and Rare Books, Periodicals, and Paper Ephemera courtesy of an International Co-Op of Independent Dealers.
Darryl F. Zanuck
Sample Autograph Signature:
Darryl F.  Zanuck signature
Darryl F. Zanuck
'Legendary Hollywood film and TV producer. Darryl F. Zanuck ( - ) was one of the kingpins of Hollywood's studio system. Abandoned by his parents at , he joined the U.S. Army at and fought in Belgium in World War I. After the war, he had a series of jobs while pursuing a career as a writer. He turned his first published story into a film scenario. Often described as barely literate, Zanuck had a knack for movie plots. For Warner Brothers he ground out up to scripts a year, and became head of production at age . He helped forge their style with such films as The Jazz Singer and I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang. In , he quit to co-found Twentieth Century Pictures with Joseph Schenck. In , Twentieth absorbed Fox and he ruled the combined studio until . He was the most 'hands-on' of the major studio bosses, taking particular pride in remaking movies in the cutting room. In the late fifties, Zanuck left his wife, and moved to Europe to concentrate on producing. Many of his later films were designed in part to promote the careers of his string of girlfriends, none of whom found favor with directors or audiences. He returned to run 20th Century-Fox in and promoted his son, Richard D. Zanuck, to head of production; then engineered his firing in a messy boardroom brawl. A few months later, May , Zanuck himself was deposed: the last studio boss of his era to go down.'
Please note that while we have reason to be confident that the signature is genuine by virtue of its source, it has not undergone any expert examination or verification. Accordingly, TomFolio does not guarantee the authenticity, nor can a comparison of a signature with this example exclude the possibility of an autopen, a printed facsimile, or a reasonably capable forgery.
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