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Robert Jordan
Sample Autograph Signature:
Robert  Jordan signature
Robert Jordan
'Pseudonym of the American fantasy novelist James Oliver Rigney, Jr. Robert Jordan is the pen name of James Oliver Rigney, Jr. who also writes under the names Reagan O'Neal, Jackson O'Reilly and Chang Lung. He was born in Charleston, South Carolina in . After dropping out of Clemson University after one year, he served two tours of duty in Vietnam (-), earning the Distinguished Flying Cross with bronze oak leaf cluster, the Bronze Star with 'V' and bronze oak leaf cluster, and two Vietnamese Gallantry Crosses with palm. After his discharge, he entered the Citadel, the military college of South Carolina, where he received a B.S. in physics in . After graduation he went to work for the U. S. Navy as a nuclear engineer, but a fall from a sub at the Charleston Naval Shipyard left him hospitalized for a month. It was during his hospitalized that he thought he could probably write as well as the authors he had been reading and began writing in . Jordan's first novel, The Fallon Blood (), was a historical novel written under the pseudonym Reagan O'Neal. This was followed in by a western, Cheyenne Raiders, written as Jackson O'Reilly. He got his start in the fantasy genre in by extending the popular Conan the Barbarian series with his first book as Robert Jordan, Conan the Invincible, which was followed by five more original Conan novels as well as the novelization of the second Conan movie. Jordan introduced an epic fantasy series of novels set in a world of his own creation in with The Eye of the World, the first of twelve novels in the immensely popular The Wheel of Time series. An illustrated accessory work, The World of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time, co-written with Teresa Patterson, appeared in . He also wrote a prequel set in the same world, New Spring: The Novel in 20. Under the pen name Reagan O'Neal, Jordan authored two other novels in his Fallon series. As Chang Lung, he has contributed to various periodicals including the Library Journal. In March of 20, Jordan announced that he has been diagnosed with primary amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy, for which his median life expectancy is four years. He intends to beat the statistics.'
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