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Ollie Johnston
Sample Autograph Signature:
Ollie  Johnston signature
Ollie Johnston
American pioneer in motion picture animation and last living member of Disney's Nine Old Men. Oliver Martin Johnston, Jr. was born in in Palo Alto, California and attended grammar school on the campus of Stanford University where his father was a professor of romance languages. He graduated from Palo Alto High School and entered Stanford University as an art student. While at Stanford he drew monthly caricatures for Chaparral, the campus humor magazine, and sketched pictures of his favorite athletes which were printed in the San Francisco Chronicle. Johnston spent his last year of study at Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles studying with famed illustrator Pruett Carter before joining The Walt Disney Studios as an apprentice animator in January, . He went on to a -year career as an animator and directing animator on more than feature films including almost all of the Disney classics. Johnston retired in and began writing books with Frank Thomas, a friend since his Stanford days and a fellow Disney Nine Old Man, about animation and the pictures they had created. Their first book, Disney Animation; the Illusion of Life, was published in followed by Too Funny for Words: Disney's Greatest Sight Gags (), Walt Disney's Bambi, The Story and The Film (), and The Disney Villain (). With co-author Philip Longfellow Anderson, they also wrote The Gospel According to Disney: Christian Values in the Early Animated Classics in . Frank Thomas' son, Theodore Thomas, created a documentary film, Frank and Ollie, about their partnership released in . Johnston's work was recognized with the National Medal of Arts in 20.
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