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Isobel W. Hutchison
Sample Autograph Signature:
Isobel W.  Hutchison signature
Isobel W. Hutchison
Scottish botanist, filmmaker, author, poet, and artic explorer. Isobel Wylie Hutchison (-) was born into a wealthy Scottish family and lived a quiet, sheltered life until her mid-thirties when she launched her talents in many directions. In , she made the first of her many trips to the Arctic which would come to include Iceland, Greenland and Arctic Alaska. During these explorations, she filmed the landscape, plant life, and the daily lives of the indigenous people. Her focus on the domestic details of the Eskimo and Inuit people in her film work was unique for the time, and made her a well respected amateur anthrologist. Between and , Hutchison traveled the Arctic by any means available including rowboats, snowshoe, and dog sledges. In addition to her eight films, Hutchison brought back botanical specimens for the Royal Horticultural Society and the Natural History Museum in Scotland. She had a long association with the Royal Scottish Geographical Society both as an Honorary Editor of their magazine and as a Fellow and Vice President. She was awarded the Royal Scottish Geographical Society's Fellowship Diploma in , and their Mungo Park Medal in , in recognition of her researches in the Arctic. She wrote many travel books about her adventures. She also had articles published in National Geographic magazine. As a poet, she published four books including Lyrics from Greenland which she illustrated with her own watercolor sketches. Before her daring arctic adventures began, she had two stories published in The British Girl�s Annual in the late s, and published a play in , The Calling of Bride. A biography, Flowers in the Snow: The Life of Isobel Wylie Hutchison, written by Gwyneth Hoyle appeared in 20.
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