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A reference for Used and Rare Books, Periodicals, and Paper Ephemera courtesy of an International Co-Op of Independent Dealers.
Russell Hoban
Sample Autograph Signature:
Russell  Hoban signature
Russell Hoban
American writer of fantasy, science fiction, magic realism, poetry, and children's books. Russell Conwell Hoban was born in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia, the son of Jewish immigrants from the Ukraine. Hoban won a scholarship to Temple University when only , but left after five weeks to enrolled in the Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Art before enlisting in the U. S. Army where he served as a radio operator and a military policeman. After the war, he taught art in New York and Connecticut, and then from until did freelance illustrating including cover illustrations for TIME, Sports Illustrated, and The Saturday Evening Post. It was during this period that be began to write and illustrate his first children's book, What Does It Do and How Does It Work, which was published in . The next year, he wrote the first of six of his story books in Frances the Badger series. He wrote exclusively for children during the next decade, but also worked as an advertising copywriter from until . Hoban continued to prolifically create many classics of the genre, publishing more than over a forty year period. His first full-length novel, The Mouse and His Child, a tale for older children, appeared in .
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We do not have anyone who can authenticate nor value signatures. Please contact registered autograph dealers for such evaluations.
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