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A reference for Used and Rare Books, Periodicals, and Paper Ephemera courtesy of an International Co-Op of Independent Dealers.
Carl Hiaasen
Sample Autograph Signature:
Carl  Hiaasen signature
Carl Hiaasen
'American journalist and satirical crime novelist. Hiaasen was born and raised in Florida. He entered Emory University in , but transferred to the University of Florida in where he earned a degree in journalism, and then worked as a reporter for a Cocoa, Florida newspaper for two years. He joined the Miami Herald in where he continues to work (as of 20) as an investigative journalist and a regular columnist. Hiaasen's first three novels were thrillers co-authored with William D. 'Bill' Montalbano ( - ), who was the Herald�s chief foreign correspondent until before becoming London Bureau Chief for The Los Angeles Times. His first solo novel, Tourist Season was published in and followed by others (as of 20). Hiaasen's novel Strip Tease was the basis for the film starring Demi Moore and Burt Reynolds. Two of his novels, Flush and Hoot, were for young adults. Hoot was awarded a Newbery Honor in 20 and adapted into a film in 20. Hiaasen's non-fiction books include Team Rodent: How Disney Devours the World (), and two collections of his newspaper columns, Kick Ass () and Paradise Screwed: Selected Columns (20). For his journalism and commentary, Hiaasen received the Damon Runyon Award from the Denver Press Club in 20-20. '
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