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A reference for Used and Rare Books, Periodicals, and Paper Ephemera courtesy of an International Co-Op of Independent Dealers.
Mariel Hemingway
Sample Autograph Signature:
Mariel  Hemingway signature
Mariel Hemingway
'American screen and television actress. Mariel Hadley Hemingway, the granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway and sister of Margaux Hemingway, was born in in California and grew up in Idaho, New York City and Los Angeles. She made her screen debut in in Lipstick while only in her teens, receiving a nomination as 'Best Newcomer' for the Golden Globes Award that year. Still in her teens, Hemingway was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in Woody Allen's Manhattan. As an adult, she had a prolific film career during the s and into the s, but has increasingly turned to television since the s. She was also the executive producer of The Suicide Club, a film in which she starred. With her husband, Steve Crisman, directing, she narrated the video Ernest Hemingway: Wrestling With Life. Hemingway has authored Finding My Balance: A Memoir and Mariel Hemingway's Healthy Living from the Inside Out: Every Woman's Guide to Real Beauty, Renewed Energy, and a Radiant Life.'
Please note that while we have reason to be confident that the signature is genuine by virtue of its source, it has not undergone any expert examination or verification. Accordingly, TomFolio does not guarantee the authenticity, nor can a comparison of a signature with this example exclude the possibility of an autopen, a printed facsimile, or a reasonably capable forgery.
We do not have anyone who can authenticate nor value signatures. Please contact registered autograph dealers for such evaluations.
We do not have any signatures/autographs for sale. The signature images that you see here have been provided by numerous book dealers, collectors, and the general public.
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