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Connie Francis
Sample Autograph Signature:
Connie  Francis signature
Connie Francis
American rock 'n' roll singer, actress and author. Born Concetta Rosa Maria Franconero in Newark, New Jersey in , she is best known for her hit Who's Sorry Now? which launched her into international super-stardom. She learned to play the accordion at the age of three, performed on Arthur Godfrey's talent show at , and spent 4 years thereafter on the television variety show Startime before making her first recording for MGM at . It was Arthur Godfrey who suggested she change her name, and Startime's producer who advised her to forget the accordion and concentrate on singing. She signed a recording contract with MGM after being rejected by other record labels and recorded a series of flop singles. In late , she accepted a pre-med scholarship to New York University and considered ending her singing career. At her last recording session her father insisted she sing that old tune from - and the rest is history. In the late s and early s, she was the top female vocalist, probably the most prolific female hit-maker in the pop song genre. She recorded a total of songs that placed in the top forty between and . She made her first film appearance in Where the Boys Are, a motion picture based on her signature song by the same name. She starred in three additional films in the first half of the s. In the late s, her super-stardoom faded and she began working in nightclubs, doing charity work, and extending her repertoire. Francis ended her year relationship with MGM, and her recording career, in in favor of a domestic life with her third husband, but returned to recording in with The Answer, a song written by friends just for her. She resumed her career until when she was raped and again ended her career to undergo psychiatric treatment. By she had resumed performing in public when her brother was brutally murdered. Francis was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder in . Treatment with lithium enabled her to resumed her career and she returned to doing stage performances in , but by she was having trouble speaking and collapsed on stage a year later. After drastically reducing her lithium dose, she continued to perform live and released several major albums in the late s after signing a new recording contract with Sony in . Francis wrote an autobiography published in titled, of course, Who's Sorry Now?.
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