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A reference for Used and Rare Books, Periodicals, and Paper Ephemera courtesy of an International Co-Op of Independent Dealers.
Earle R. Forrest
Sample Autograph Signature:
Earle R.  Forrest signature
Earle R. Forrest
American journalist, historian, photographer, and author of books on the Old Southwest. Earle Robert Forrest (-) is best known nationally as the author or co-author of numerous books on the old southwestern U.S. He was born and spent most of his life in Washington, Pennsylvania where he worked as a reporter for his local newspaper, The Observer. His knowledge of the Southwest began when he worked for several years in the early 's as a cowboy on the CO Bar Ranch, north of Flagstaff, Arizona. Forrest returned to the Southwest many times in the following years, continuing his photography of the country and the people, particularly the Native Americans in the region. His first book about the Southwest, Missions and Pueblos of the Old Southwest was not published until , although he was already well known locally as a historian due to his 3-volume History Of Washington County, Pennsylvania published in . Forrest wrote numerous books on Washington County history, and served many years as the president of the Washington County Historical Society. A collection of western photographs appeared posthumously in as With a Camera in Old Navaholandand is still in print. The photographs themselves were donated to the Museum of Northern Arizona.
Please note that while we have reason to be confident that the signature is genuine by virtue of its source, it has not undergone any expert examination or verification. Accordingly, TomFolio does not guarantee the authenticity, nor can a comparison of a signature with this example exclude the possibility of an autopen, a printed facsimile, or a reasonably capable forgery.
We do not have anyone who can authenticate nor value signatures. Please contact registered autograph dealers for such evaluations.
We do not have any signatures/autographs for sale. The signature images that you see here have been provided by numerous book dealers, collectors, and the general public.
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