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Robbie Conal
Sample Autograph Signature:
Robbie Conal signature
Robbie Conal
'American guerrilla poster artist noted for his satirical images of U.S. political figures. Robbie Conal grew up in Manhattan the son of New York labor organizers. He graduated from the High School of Music and Art in New York, then went on to earn a BFA at San Francisco State University in and MFA from Stanford University in . After returning to the east coast for several years, he moved to the Los Angeles area in . During the summer of , Conal began wallpapering cities with his satirical portraits of figures involved in Contragate, and became known for his ability to organize 'snipers' to distribute his poster art throughout a city overnight. He now makes street posters and caricatures for the alternative newspaper L. A. Weekly. His work has also been featured in numerous publications, including Time, Newsweek, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and many other national publications. His work has been featured on CBS This Morning and Charlie Rose. The Pasadena Armory Center for the Arts issued an exhibition catalog of his work in titled Unauthorized History: Robbie Conal's Portraits of Power. He was the subject of the documentary Post No Bills. Conal has also written two books, Art Attack: The Midnight Politics Of A Guerrilla Artist () and Artburn: The Twenty-First Century Shots from a Guerilla Artist (20), a collection of his work published in the L. A. Weekly. He has been awarded grants by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Getty Trust, and is currently an Adjunct Professor of Painting & Drawing at the University of Southern California's Roski School of Fine Arts. '
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