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Barney Bush
Sample Autograph Signature:
Barney Bush signature
Barney Bush
'American poet, writer, musician, recording artist and educator of Shawnee/Cayuga heritage. Barney Furman Bush born and raised in Herod, Illinois in , but claims Oklahoma as his home because his 'relatives who remain strongly attached to [their Native American Shawnee/Cayuga] identity live there.' After completing high school, Bush hitchhiked across the United States for several years before attending Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado from which he graduated in with degrees in Art and History. After college he became involved in the American Indian Movement, helped to establish the Institute of the Southern Plains, a Cheyenne Indian School in Oklahoma, and taught subjects relating to Native American culture at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and several other colleges. In he earned a Master's degree in English and Fine Arts from the University of Idaho. He is a former Professor at the Institute of American Indian Arts, and President of the College of the Redwinds, an indigenous initiative 'to provide a safe, intellectual and spiritual environment that promotes personal growth, academic achievement and creative integrity through a native centered and controlled educational philosophy.' Since Bush has published four volumes of poetry: Longhouse of the Blackberry Moon, My Horse and a Jukebox (), Petroglyphs (), and Inherit the Blood (). Bush began collaborating with British composer and pianist Tony Hymas in , beginning with a double CD entitled Oyate (The People). Since then they have continued their collaboration with Native American and European musicians, poets and singers to produce two more double CDs: Remake of the American Dream in and Left for Dead in . In , Bush received the Grand Award for Poetry at the National Indian Arts Exhibition. '
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