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Louis Mountbatten
Sample Autograph Signature:
Louis  Mountbatten signature
Louis Mountbatten
'British admiral, Allied commander in southeast Asia, last Viceroy and Governor-general of India Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten ( � ) was born as His Serene Highness Prince Louis of Battenberg to Prince Louis Alexander of Battenberg, a minor German prince, and Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine, a granddaughter of Britain's Queen Victoria. In response to anti-German seniments and rumors that the British Royal Family must be pro-German given their German dynastic origins, King George V ordered the family to cease using their German names and titles. Thus, in , Louis anglicized his family name to 'Mountbatten.' Like his father before him, Mountbatten pursued a career in the Royal Navy, entering as a cadet in . He served as a midshipman in World War I. During World War II he commanded the 5th Destroyer Flotilla and then became Chief of Combined Operations in . In , he was appointed the Supreme Allied Commander for the South East Asia Theatre, a post he held until . Mountbatten was appointed the last British Viceroy of India in . That same year, he oversaw the transfer of power from Britain to the independent nations of India and Pakistan in August, and was created Earl Mountbatten of Burma in October. He then served as the first Governor-General of India until June . His assumption of the post of First Sea Lord in was not without irony since Churchill had ask his father to resign this position in after being falsely accused of pro-German sympathy. He became Chief of the United Kingdom Defense Staff in , holding that post until when he was appointed Governor of the Isle of Wight. Mountbatten's leadership was unsuccessfully sought for a coup against the then crisis-striken Labour Government of Harold Wilson in . In he was assassinated by terrorists affiliated with the Irish Republican Army. Mountbatten best known work is Combined Operations: The Official Story of the Commandos written in , but his first book, An Introduction to Polo, was published in under the pseudonym 'Marco.' He also wrote Report to the Combined Chiefs of Staff by the Supreme Allied Commander, South-East Asia, - published in . His diaries were published posthumously under the titles The Diaries of Lord Louis Mountbatten, 20-22: Tours with the Prince of Wales journals of a Young Naval Officer on a Royal Tour of New Zealand and Australia with his Cousin the Prince of Wales, From Shore to Shore: The Tour of Earl Mountbatten of Burma, -, and Personal Diary of Admiral the Lord Louis Mountbatten Supreme Allied Commander, South-East Asia, -. Many of his speeches have also been published. The signature below is from a copy of a first printing of Combined Operations. Although not dated, it very likely was signed at or near since most of his signatures appear as 'Mountbatten of Burma' following his creation as an earl in . '
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