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Fenwicke L. Holmes
Sample Autograph Signature:
Fenwicke L.  Holmes signature
Fenwicke L. Holmes
American author, and leader and teacher in the Religious Science or Science of Mind movement. Fenwicke Lindsay Holmes ( - ?) was born on a farm in Maine, one of nine boys including his younger brother, Ernest ( � ), the founder of the Religious Science or Science of Mind movement. Little is recorded about his life, being overshadowed by his more charismatic brother. While the family's financial hardship prevented any of the boys from receiving a higher education, Fenwicke moved to the Los Angeles suburb of Venice around where he established a small Congregational church and served as its minister. His brother Ernest joined him in California in . While there the brothers were strongly influenced by the work of Thomas Troward, a New Thought practitioner whose revolutionary ideas about the mind diverged from mainstream New Thought ideas. Together in they began to lecture and teach classes in the Los Angeles area and also founded Uplift, a critical of traditional New Thought. Within the next two years Ernest alone gained a national reputation as a speaker. Meanwhile, Fenwicke, the acknowledged more intellectual brother, was preparing to published his first two books, How To Develop Faith That Heals and Law Of Mind In Action Daily Lessons And Treatments In Mental And Spiritual Science, which both appeared in . The following year, Fenwicke published Being and Becoming: A Book of Lessons in the Science of Mind Showing How to Find the Personal Spirit . Fenwicke continue to write eighteen other books including three of his own poety and The Voice Celestial: Thou Art That, An Epic Poem written with brother Ernest. Also included is a little-known work of fiction, Joan's Voices. His most well-known book is Ernest Holmes: His Life and Times. In , he helped his brother found the Institute of Religious Science and School of Philosophy as a means of spreading their teachings.
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