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Ben Hogan
Sample Autograph Signature:
Ben  Hogan signature
Ben Hogan
American professional golfer considered among the three greatest of all time. William Benjamin Hogan ( � ) was born in Texas. His father committed suicide when he was 9 years old leaving his mother to raise a family of three children on her own. Hogan helped supplement the family's income by selling newspapers and odd jobs, one of which was caddying at a nearby golf club when he was eleven. In , he gave up his job as a bank clerk to become a professional golfer, joining the U. S. Tour two years later. He was unsuccessful in this effort as well as another attempt two years later. Hogan again returned to the tour in and became the tour's leading money winner in , and . During World War II, Hogan was in U.S Army, but after his discharge in August , he won his first major, taking the PGA title in . Two years later, Hogan won another PGA and his first U.S. Open. Between the years of through , Hogan won professional golf tournaments despite his career being further interrupted by a near-fatal car accident in . After the accident, Hogan didn't play more than seven tournaments a year, yet won more tournaments. After his retirement in , he founded Ben Hogan Golf, a golf equipment manufacturing company (now owned by the Callaway Golf Company). With Herbert Warren Wind, he co-authored Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf, perhaps the most widely-read and quoted golf tutorial ever written. It was initially released as a five part series beginning in the March issue of Sports Illustrated magazine, and later that year published as a book. Hogan was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in , and, in , received the Bob Jones Award, the highest honor given by the U. S. Golf Association in recognition of distinguished sportsmanship in golf.
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