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Tomson Highway
Sample Autograph Signature:
Tomson  Highway signature
Tomson Highway
Canadian award winning playwright and novelist. Tomson Highway is a Native American Cree from Manitoba where his family lived a nomadic lifestyle. In , at the was six, he was taken from his family and placed in a Roman Catholic boarding school at the Guy Hill Indian Residential School in The Pas, Manitoba where he was permitted to visit home for only two months every summer. He was then sent to Winnipeg where he lived in a series of white foster homes while attending high school. After graduating in , he studied piano for 2 years at the University of Manitoba, then spent a year in London, England preparing to be a concert pianist. He then returned to Canada and obtained two B.A. degrees from the University of Western Ontario, one in Music in and in English in . Highway then spent the next 7 years working for The Native Peoples' Resource Centre (a cultural center) in London, Ontario, and The Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres in Toronto. In , he helped to organize three major Native music and art festivals. In , he joined the Native Earth Performing Arts Company in Toronto, the first and most enduring Native professional company in Canada, where he served as Artistic Director. His first play, The Sage, the Dancer and the Fool, was written the same year. It was followed by Aria in and Annie and the Old One in . His first published play, The Rez Sisters, appeared in with his second, Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing, following in . Both won him the Dora Mavor Moore Award and the Floyd S. Chalmers Award. The Rez Sisters became a smash hit across Canada and went on to the Edinburgh International Festival in . Highway's first and, as of 20, only novel, Kiss of the Fur Queen which appeared in , is a semi-autobiographical work. Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout, a third play, was co-commissioned by Western Canada Theatre and the Secwepemc Cultural Education Society in 20. He has also written two of a planned trilogy of books for children, Caribou Song (20) and Dragonfly Kites (20). Highway holds three honorary degrees, became a member of the Order of Canada in , was awarded the Governor General's Literary Award for Drama, and was the Guest of Honour at the Festival Voix d'Am�riques in 20 .
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