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Brian Herbert
Sample Autograph Signature:
Brian  Herbert signature
Brian Herbert
American science fiction novelist and short stories writer. While Brian Herbert is the son of science fiction icon Frank Herbert, his work has met with critical acclaimed in its own right. With his father's success still in the future, his younger years were spent in near-poverty conditions. He graduated from high school at the age of with honors, and then from the University of Callifornia at Berkeley where he received a BA in Sociology. Before beginning a writing career at nearly , he worked in a wide variety of jobs ranging from busboy to insurance agent. Herbert didn't know that he wanted to be a writer, but he had collected jokes which became the material for his first book, Classic Comebacks (). Another book of humor, Incredible Insurance Claims, followed the next year. He successfully sold both over the phone, but hired an agent and began his writing career with his first novel, Sidney's Comet, published in . This was followed by The Garbage Chronicles (), Sudanna, Sudanna (), Man of Two Worlds () (written with his father), Prisoners of Arionn (), The Race for God (), Memorymakers () (with Marie Landis), and Timeweb (20). In , he edited The Songs of Muad'dib, a collection of his fathers poetry. He collaborated with Kevin J. Anderson on writing two trilogies of prequels to his father's landmark science fiction novel, Dune. All were published between and 20 and became New York Times best sellers.
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