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Clark Gable
Sample Autograph Signature:
Clark  Gable signature
Clark Gable
'American film actor and most popular male star of the early sound film era. Clark Gable ( � ) was arguably the world's biggest movie star throughout most of the s and s. His name became synonymous with the ultimate in male overt sex appeal, as well as with the rugged, raffish American male. While Gable was cast as a romantic lead in his megastar years, his style in those roles abandoned traditional romantic behavior in favor of openly challenging women by boldly asserting his self-confidence and erotic carnality. His handsomeness, combine with his forthright approach to female domination, made him an irresistible seductive force in both film and life. Even the denizens of Hollywood recognized him as their 'King'. Clark career began in 22 with second-class theater companies, but failing to support himself, he left theatre to become a tie salesman in a Portland, Oregon department store. While there he joined another theater company, met his acting coach (and future wife and manager), Josephine Dillon, who had his teeth fixed and rigorously trained him for a film career. They arrived in Hollywood in where Gable returned to the stage after finding film work only as an extra and bit player. His acclaimed performance in the stage play The Last Mile launched him into a film contract with MGM in . The dozen films he made in increased his public visibility and popularity, forcing MGM to recognize his star potential. In , he achieved stardom with his appearance in Red Dust; and he went on to win the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in It Happened One Night. He earned an Academy Award nomination for his lead in the Mutiny on the Bounty, and another Academy Award nomination for Best Actor for his best-known performance as Rhett Butler in the classic Gone with the Wind, the most popular movie in film history. Although he was beyond the draft age, Gable enlisted as a private in the Air Force in . He graduated from Officers' Candidate School as a Second Lieutenant, attended aerial gunnery school, and then went to England to make a motion picture of aerial gunners in action. He volunteered to fly operational missions over Europe to obtain actual combat film footage, earning him the Air Medal and the Distinguished Flying Cross for his efforts. Gable left active duty as a Major in and returned to Hollywood where his resumed his stardom with a little less than it's pre-war intensity. Despite this, he continued as a top leading man until his death, having made more than films. Gables last film, The Misfits, made in just before his death, is considered by many critics to have been his finest performance. '
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