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A reference for Used and Rare Books, Periodicals, and Paper Ephemera courtesy of an International Co-Op of Independent Dealers.
George Evans
Sample Autograph Signature:
George  Evans signature
George Evans
American cartoonist and comic book artist. George Evans (20 - 20) worked for almost every major publisher in the comic book industry including such Golden Agers as Fawcett, E. C. Comics, Dell, Gold Key, DC Comics, and New Direction where he did the illustrations for numerous titles for each house. At E. C. Comics in the early s, he did horror and SF titles such as The Haunt of Fear and Weird Science', and also provided striking covers and stories for Crime SuspenStories and Shock SupenStories. Evans, an airplane buff, drew covers and stories for Aces High which many consider the best aviation work in comics. In the late s, he displayed his versatility by joining Classics Illustrated where he adapted and drew many of their titles. He became George Wunder's ghost artist in on the daily Terry and the Pirates strip where he remained until , but also worked on several titles for DC Comics and Gold Key in the early s, and returned in the mid s to horror comics and a little later produced various stories for DC's war and supernatural titles. In he took over Secret Agent Corrigan from Al Williamson and drew the series until . Throughout the s and s he drew for a variety of publishers, and retired while still continuing to do occasional jobs. His final work was the Flash Gordon Sunday page for 21 January 20.
Please note that while we have reason to be confident that the signature is genuine by virtue of its source, it has not undergone any expert examination or verification. Accordingly, TomFolio does not guarantee the authenticity, nor can a comparison of a signature with this example exclude the possibility of an autopen, a printed facsimile, or a reasonably capable forgery.
We do not have anyone who can authenticate nor value signatures. Please contact registered autograph dealers for such evaluations.
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