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Noel Coward
Sample Autograph Signature:
Noel Coward signature
Noel Coward
Legendary English actor, playwright, and popular songwriter. Sir Noel Peirce Coward ( � ) is probably best known for his hugely successful black comedy Blithe Spirit which is still performed today. Much of Coward's best work came in the late 20s and early s, but he wrote some of his best plays in the s including Blithe Spirit. Coward's popularity as a playwright declined sharply in the s, although he starred in a number of American TV specials in the late s with Mary Martin after which he moved to the Caribbean where he remained until his death. He did, however, have a resurgence in the late s when several of his 20s plays received new productions. Coward published over fifty plays and many albums of original songs. He also wrote comic revues, poetry, three volumes of autobiography, several volumes of short stories, and a novel, Pomp and Circumstance, in . He was a prolific writer of popular songs, his most popular being written and released during World War II, a period during which Coward served as a spy for the British Secret Service MI5. Little known is Coward's love of painting, or that Winston Churchill was his tutored and a frequent painting companion. Sheridan Morley's Out in the Midday Sun: The Paintings of Noel Coward provides an illustrated discussion of the colorful paintings that Coward's life in Jamaica inspired.
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