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A reference for Used and Rare Books, Periodicals, and Paper Ephemera courtesy of an International Co-Op of Independent Dealers.
Alice Ross Colver
Alice (Mary) Ross Colver (1892-1988) – American author of children's and romance books.
Born in Plainfield, NJ and educated at Wellesley College, Alice Ross Colver began her writing during World War I, and quickly sold her first book, the juvenile novel Babs, in 1918. Babs was the first of several series of novels aimed at teenage girls; later characters around whom series were based included Jeanne (1920-1923) and Joan Foster (beginning with Joan Foster, Freshman, 1942, and ending with Joan Foster, Bride, 1952). She also published romances for the adult market, plus several historical novels, and three nonfiction books; altogether she wrote more than sixty books.
Juvenile Fiction:
◊Babs (1918)
◊Bab at Birchwood (1919)
◊Babs at College (1919)
◊Babs at home (1920)
◊Jeanne (1920)
◊Jeanne's Houseparty (1921)
◊Jeanne's Happy Year (1922)
◊Jeanne at Rainbow Lodge (1923)
◊Adventure for a Song (1938) (with Charlotte Lockwood)
◊Adventure in the West (1939) - (with Jack Colver)
◊Adventure on a Hilltop (1941)
◊Joan Foster, Freshman (1942)
◊Joan Foster, Sophomore (1948)
◊Joan, Freelance Writer (1948)
◊Joan Foster, Junior (1949)
◊Joan Foster, Senior (1950)
◊Joan Foster in Europe (1951) - (with Jack Colver & Phyllis Colver)
◊Joan Foster, Bride (1952)
◊Janet Moore, Physical Therapist (1965)
◊Vicky Barnes, Junior Hospital Volunteer (1966)
◊Sally, Star Patient (1968)
◊Say Yes to Life (1969)
Adult Fiction:
◊The Dear Pretender (1924)
◊If Dreams Come True (1925)
◊Under the Rainbow Sky (1926)
◊The Lookout Girl (1928)
◊The Dimmest Dream (1929)
◊The Redheaded Goddess (1929)
◊Hilltop House (1930)
◊Windymere (1931)
◊Modern Madonna (1932)
◊Passionate Puritan (1933)
◊Three Loves (1934)
◊Wild Song (1935)
◊I Have Been Little too Long (1935)
◊Strangers at Sea (1936)
◊Substitute Lover (1936)
◊Only Let Me Live (1937)
◊One Year of Love (1937)
◊Where the Heart Goes (1939)
◊When There is Love (1940)
◊Not Just to Remember (1941)
◊There's Only One (1941)
◊The Heart Does Not Forget (1941)
◊Forever Is So Long (1942)
◊The Merrivales (1943)
◊Fourways (1944)
◊Homecoming (1945)
◊Uncertain Heart (1946)
◊Three Loves Are Mine (1946)
◊Kingsridge (1949)
◊The Parson (1951)
◊The Measure of the Years (1954) - historical novel
◊There Is a Season (1957) - historical novel
This content has been provided by
Hollis G. Bedell, HGBooks & Bindery.
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